Monday, September 6, 2010

Cupcakes, Quilts, and Kidney Stones

Well I have finished four customer quilts this week!  Hip, hip, hoo-Ray!!  Really four does NOT sound like a lot for a week with seven days in it. was giant..AND I not only cut and sewed the binding together for this quilt, I also sewed it on the front of the quilt and then finished it by hand on the back..It was Karen T's first quilt and I think she was relieved and satisfied just to finish the top.  So I finished the rest and on Wednesday she will meet me at a predetermined exchange location (I feel the need to buy myself a snazzy trench coat and some giant sunglasses) to get her first quilt creation.  Then I will be on the look-out for my second contact of the day...Judy.  She will pick up a baby quilt that took almost as long to quilt as Karen's first, giant quilt.  The baby quilt was a custom job and turned out really nice..I'm sure a spit up stain here and there will only enhance the beauty..(hey, as long as Judy was willing to pay for custom, who am I to judge?..Spit away, baby!)  Judy will also be picking up a quilt that she made to raise money for a local women's shelter..she is donating the I will be donating my quilting (so much for the extra dough earned on the custom job)   :o(    Then there was the quilt for Sue.  Sue is such a gentle, sweet client and friend.  I custom quilted a giant quilt for her and she was thrilled with the result.  Have I mentioned that custom quilting takes a huge hunk of time?? and you can't just walk away from the machine!!  you have to pay close attention..and do MATH.  Did you HEAR me??  M.A.T.H   I do not like math.  Math is NOT my friend.  Alas..only four quilts completed this week.  Hopefully the bottleneck is unclogged and the quilts will flow freely this week
The Mayor's Cupcake!
The mayor of DoodleMoochie Land decided that he would do some baking yesterday and I have to say the results are really, REALLY GOOD!!..He made chocolate cupcakes and cream cheese icing.  After a crash course on how to use a piping bag he iced all 24 cupcakes and even cleaned the kitchen.  We experimented in the cupcakes a little.  We scooped out a bit of the center of two cakes and put in a chunk of banana, then piped on the cream cheese icing, sprinkled a little mild flavored salt and raw sugar.  OH MY GOSH!!  It was about the BEST cupcake that I have EVER had (note the past tense).  My birthday is next month and I am going to request (maybe call a town meeting and demand) these cupcakes for my celebration.
On another note..Angel Baby is home for the Labor Day weekend and is taking the whole 'Labor Day' thing at face value.  He is trying to 'birth' his third kidney stone.  Poor baby.  He has now had two ibuprofen, one pain pill, and a flo-max..and he is REALLY chatty..I mean really chatty.  Oh now, this should be interesting..Angel Baby (on drugs) teaching the Mayor how to use the Espresso Machine.  More to come later!

1 comment:

  1. You are not being a very responsible blogger!! Blog! Blog!!
